Invisible Injuries- Mental health ambassadors

S03E09 - Dave Esler (The Gap RSL) pt1

August 23, 2023

S03E09 - Dave Esler (The Gap RSL) pt1

Following our popular Money Marksmanship series we continue Season 3 with the first of our guests, Dave Esler, president of "The Gap" Qld RSL sub-branch.

I had the privilege of being able to serve with Dave as one of my Detachment Commanders in my early days at 7th Signals Regiment. So and now he's also one of the growing contemporary veterans that have taken up the mantle in the sub branch in the Queensland RSL sub-branch organization. So thank you so much for joining us today. Dave.

Contact -  Dave Esler
Help Lines Open Arms (VVCS) | Lifeline | RedSix app


Disclaimer: The accounts and stories are "Real lived experiences" of our guests some of the content may trigger Post Traumatic Stress (PTS) symptoms in some of our audience. Feedback regarding other organisations, courses and initiatives remains largely unsensored. Whether its good or bad they remain the OPINION of our guests and their experiences it is important in building an accurate statistic on what really happens. 
During the course of our conversations sometimes sensitive information may be accidentally mentioned, as such, Invisible Injuries respects the law and sensors any information that may breach Operational Security OPSEC