Invisible Injuries- Mental health ambassadors

S03 - Dealing with unwelcome thoughts 2

October 22, 2021

civilians overlooking a navy ship sent to support their evacuation during 2019 fires with message in text

"Tell it - don't bottle it"
Bottling up, suppressing or pushing down has never done anyone any good in the long run. True, it can be helpful, while an operation is ongoing, because it enables fighting troops to get on effectively and efficiently with the job in-hand.
However, afterwards, if we push things down for any length of time, they will bubble up in the daytime when we are least expecting them; or surface at night in the form of vivid dreams and/or nightmares "Whats pushed down must come up later"
Some good statements are:
"It's good to talk"
"A problem shared is a problem halved"
NB. Be careful who you tell! Often it is better to hand-pick an appropriate comrade, ex-comrade or confidant to "buddy up" with. one who you can trust, who understands, who can relate and who will actively listen.
It's not a weakness but a sign of strength and courage to share your experiences in ways that are helpful to you, in the long run.
For best results –“horses for courses” applies. Some might find one tool or technique helpful, others will experiment with another that proves helpful. All are available to try and it’s often about finding “what works” for you. 
🖨 reprinted with permission @johnhendenauthor @wiley-publishing @beatingcombatstress